In my web.config file I have all the references to elmah that I need in order to have elmah running. Except this part of the code:
<location path="elmah.axd">
<allow roles="admin" />
<deny users="*" />
Either ReSharper or Visual Studio is giving me the error:
Location element is unused: no project found at elmah.axd path:Path to web project\elmah.axd not found
I installed the elmah package from NuGet and I have the dll saved and when I go to the root of my site and type root/elmah.axd I am able to access the elmah logs; however, I need to restrict the access of these logs to admins.
I have two users: Admin and User I want only those with Admin role to access the elmah logs.
Am I missing a piece to this puzzle?
There is nothing wrong... it's just reSharper being a bit silly. Because it can't find a physical file with that name, it thinks it doesn't exist and gives you that error you are seeing.
You can ignore it by using a ReSharper disable comment like so:
<!-- ReSharper disable WebConfig.RedundantLocationTag -->
<!-- ReSharper disable WebConfig.WebConfigPathWarning -->
<location path="elmah.axd">
<!-- ReSharper restore WebConfig.WebConfigPathWarning -->
<allow roles="admin" />
<deny users="*" />
<!-- ReSharper restore WebConfig.RedundantLocationTag -->
But it looks ugly ;-)