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What is the correct way to "predefine" and use namespaces and std::shared_ptr?

I have been having a hard time trying to find anything similar to this question, so instead I will ask here.

I have a project with a dozen or so source/header files. The main problem I am having is predefining the classes that I have made in the namespace. The code is as followed:


/*include dependencies and library headers...*/

/*[Note 1]How would I predefine the classes inside namespaces?*/

typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Class1> ClassPtr1;//[Note 2]
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Class2> ClassPtr2;//[Note 2]

/*[Note 2]What is the correct way to predefine the shared_ptr's?*/

#include "Class1.h"
#include "Class2.h"


namespace myNamespace
    class Class1
        /*variables and functions*/
        void doSomething(...);
        Class2 exampleObject;


namespace myNamespace
    class Class2
        /*variables and functions*/

My apologies in advance if this sounds a bit confusing... Basically I am wondering if it is possible to predefine the classes that are in namespace myNamespace and at the same time declare the shared_ptr's. If this is possible, how would I do this and use them correctly in the source?


  • If you want the type definitions to be part of the same namespace as the classes (which I suggest):

    namespace my_namespace
        class Class1;
        class Class2;
        typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Class1> ClassPtr1;
        typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Class2> ClassPtr2;
    #include "Class1.h"
    #include "Class2.h"    

    Otherwise, if you want your pointer type definitions to be part of the global namespace

    namespace my_namespace
        class Class1;
        class Class2;
    typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<my_namespace::Class1> ClassPtr1;
    typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<my_namespace::Class2> ClassPtr2;
    #include "Class1.h"
    #include "Class2.h"    

    Possibly, you could make things more compact with a macro (same namespace):

    #define DECLARE_PTR_ALIAS(N, C, P) \
        namespace N { class C; 
        typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<C> P; } \

    Or (different namespace):

    #define DECLARE_PTR_ALIAS(N, C, P) \
        namespace N { class C; } \
        typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<N::C> P;

    This would make it simpler to define pointer aliases for several classes:

    DECLARE_PTR_ALIAS(my_namespace, Class1, ClassPtr1)
    DECLARE_PTR_ALIAS(my_namespace, Class2, ClassPtr2)