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How to write ut for a complex algorithm

I thought of writing ut for a complex algorithm, which consits of many steps. For example, the algorithm class like below. And I want to test every step. But it's obvious that i can process the private function. I am using the google gtest.

How shall I design the UT?

Class Algorithm


  • There is a specific section in the Google Test documentation dealing with testing private code.

    Short version is, try to avoid testing non-public functions. If you have to, then you can either change your class design, or your test can be made a friend of the class.

    GTest provides a helper macro for this last option: FRIEND_TEST, but beware of namespace issues with this. Your test needs to be defined in the same namespace as the class being tested for this macro to work.

    So something like:

    #include <iostream>
    #include "gtest/gtest.h"
    class Algorithm {
      bool PreProcess() { std::cout << "Pre\n"; return true; }
      bool Process() { std::cout << "Process\n"; return true; }
      bool PostProcess() { std::cout << "Post\n"; return true; }
      FRIEND_TEST(AlgorithmPrivateTest, PreProcess);
      FRIEND_TEST(AlgorithmPrivateTest, Process);
      FRIEND_TEST(AlgorithmPrivateTest, PostProcess);
    class AlgorithmPrivateTest : public testing::Test {
      AlgorithmPrivateTest() : algorithm_() {}
      Algorithm algorithm_;
    TEST_F(AlgorithmPrivateTest, PreProcess) {
    TEST_F(AlgorithmPrivateTest, Process) {
    TEST_F(AlgorithmPrivateTest, PostProcess) {
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
      return RUN_ALL_TESTS();