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I can't access hash values

I have a program that creates an array of hashes while parsing a FASTA file. Here is my code

use strict;
use warnings;

my $docName = "A_gen.txt";
my $alleleCount = 0;
my $flag = 1;

my $tempSequence;
my @tempHeader;
my @arrayOfHashes = ();

my $fastaDoc = open(my $FH, '<', $docName);
my @fileArray = <$FH>;

for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fileArray; $i++) {
    if ($fileArray[$i] =~ m/>/) { # creates a header for the hashes
    $flag = 0;
    $fileArray[$i] =~ s/>//;
    @tempHeader = split / /, $fileArray[$i];
    pop(@tempHeader); # removes the pointless bp
    for (my $j = 0; $j <= scalar(@tempHeader)-1; $j++) {
        print $tempHeader[$j];
        if ($j < scalar(@tempHeader)-1) {
            print " : "};
            if ($j == scalar(@tempHeader) - 1) {
                print "\n";
    # push(@arrayOfHashes, "$i");

    if ($fileArray[$i++] =~ m/>/) { # goes to next line
        push(@arrayOfHashes, {
            id => $tempHeader[0],
            hla => $tempHeader[1], 
            bpCount => $tempHeader[2],
            sequence => $tempSequence
        print $arrayOfHashes[0]{id};
        @tempHeader = ();
        $tempSequence = "";
    $i--; # puts i back to the current line

    if ($flag == 1) {
        $tempSequence = $tempSequence.$fileArray[$i];

print $arrayOfHashes[0]{id};
print "\n";

print $alleleCount."\n";
print $#fileArray +1;

My problem is when the line

print $arrayOfHashes[0]{id};

is called, I get an error that says

Use of uninitialized value in print at line 47, line 6670.

You will see in the above code I commented out a line that says

push(@arrayOfHashes, "$i");

because I wanted to make sure that the hash works. Also the data prints correctly in the desired formatting. Which looks like this

HLA:HLA00127 : A*74:01 : 2918


  • try to add

    print "Array length:" . scalar(@arrayOfHashes) . "\n"; 


    print $arrayOfHashes[0]{id};

    So you can see, if you got some content in your variable. You can also use the module Data::Dumper to see the content.

    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper(\@arrayOfHashes);

    Note the '\' before the array!

    Output would be something like:

    $VAR1 = [ { 'sequence' => 'tempSequence', 'hla' => 'hla', 'bpCount' => 'bpCount', 'id' => 'id' } ];

    But if there's a Module for Fasta, try to use this. You don't have to reinvent the wheel each time ;)