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What should I do when there is not enough memory to run my program in C?

Possible Duplicate:
How can I allocate a 2D array using double pointers?

I used VB 2012 Express to make a maze program.

It works really well even when I set ROW*COLUMN to 499*499, (the maze is an array: unsigned char maze[ROW][COLUMN]).

But one time I tried to make a super-giant maze of999*999, and the compiler gave me a "stack overflow" error.

I do know what it means, but is there any way to assign extra memory or even use some disk space to run my program?


  • You are allocating maze on the stack, and stack size is typically limited to between 1 and 8 megabytes. To overcome this limitation, allocate maze on the heap.

    For suggestions on how to do this, see How can I allocate a 2D array using double pointers? and Heap allocate a 2D array (not array of pointers)