I am trying to implement custom grouping in the Janus GridEx control. I have a column that has data that is DateTime, but when I group on that column, I want the data to group based on only the Date portion of that data.
Reading the Janus documentation, it looks like adding a GroupComparer to a Column should accomplish this:
' Code that sets up my Janus GridEx
grdResults.RootTable.Columns("DateDue").GroupComparer = New GroupByDateComparer()
My IComparer class...
Public Class GroupByDateComparer
Implements IComparer
Public Function Compare(a As Object, b As Object) As Integer _
Implements IComparer.Compare
Select Case DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, a.Date, b.Date)
Case Is < 0
Return -1
Case 0
Return 0
Case Is > 0
Return 1
End Select
Return 0
End Function
End Class
My code builds. The line of code where I assign a new instance to the GroupComparer runs. But the Compare() function is never called.
Has anyone managed to implement this feature of the Janus GridEx control?
Okay, it took me longer than it should have. It turns out the Comparer was working perfectly, but it wasn't 'sticking' to the column. I found that if I check if it exists in the RootTableChanged event and re-attach it if it isn't it all works fine...
Private Sub grdResults_RootTableChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles grdResults.RootTableChanged
If grdResults.RootTable.Columns.Contains("DateDue") AndAlso _
grdResults.RootTable.Columns("DateDue").GroupComparer Is Nothing Then
grdResults.RootTable.Columns("DateDue").GroupComparer = New GroupByDateComparer()
End If
End Sub