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SQL How to extract a predicate from a left join

I have 2 tables: user and licenseduser. The first one contains all the users and the second one contains only those users with a licenses (2 columns: useruid and subscriptionid).

Given a subscriptionId I have to display in a grid all the users and a boolean flag column indicating for each user if he/she has the subscription or not.

Example: The following query gives me that for the subscriptionId = 7.

select firstname, lastname, emailaddress, subscriptionid 
from dbo.[user]
left join (select * from dbo.licensedUser where subscriptionid = 7) lu on dbo.[user].[Uid] = lu.useruid 

However, this query is not useful for me because the executor program uses an ORM. I want to create a view (called myView) such that I can (or the ORM can) do this:

select firstname, lastname, emailaddress, subscriptionid
from myView where subscriptionid = 7 or subscriptionid is null

Could you help me, please? Thank you in advance.


  • If you have a table of subscriptions, you can use this:

    SELECT  u.*, s.subscriptionId, lu.subscriptionId AS subscribed
    FROM    user u
            subscription s
            licensedUser lu
    ON      lu.userId = u.uid
            AND lu.subscriptionId = s.subscriptionId

    and use this:

    SELECT  firstname, lastname, emailaddress, subscribed
    FROM    v_user_subscription
    WHERE   subscriptionId = 7

    in the ORM.

    You don't want to select from this view without filtering, as it will probably be huge, however, with a filter on subscriptionId SQL Server will expand the view and won't actually browse other subscriptions.