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Getting runtime error when i access (table->array[i][i]).min = (table->array[i][i]).max = arr[i];

I am using DP to fill a table which contains maximum & minimum item from index i to index j in an array. Whether this approach is efficient or not, is not an issue to me.
Consider the below code snippet:

typedef struct Slot
    int min;
    int max;

typedef struct Table
    Slot* *array;
    int size;

Table* createTable( int size )
    Table* table = malloc( sizeof( Table ) );

    if( !table )
            return NULL;

    table->array = ( Slot(*)[size] ) malloc( size * size * sizeof( Slot ) );

    if( !(table->array) )
                    return NULL;

    table->size = size;

    return table;

void foo( int arr[], int size )
    Table* table = createTable( size );

    if( table == NULL )
            printf( "Out of memory" );

    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
            (table->array[i][i]).min = (table->array[i][i]).max = arr[i]; <----------

I am getting runtime error. When i comment the below two statements, it runs fine.

for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
            (table->array[i][i]).min = (table->array[i][i]).max = arr[i]; <----------

Why it is showing runtime error?


  • The malloc of your 2D array Slot is wrong:

    table->array = ( Slot(*)[size] ) malloc( size * size * sizeof( Slot ) );

    instead of this you should do this:

     table->array = (Slot**) malloc(sizeof(Slot*));
       for (int i = 0; i < ArraySizeX; i++)
            table->array[i] = (Slot*) malloc(ArraySizeY*sizeof(Slot));

    or if you wish to do it in one malloc call, however then only have a Slot* in your Table:

    table->array = (Slot*) malloc(SizeX * SizeY * Sizeof(Slot));

    This will allocate your double array properly.

    Then also, this construct:

      for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
         (table->array[i][i]).min = (table->array[i][i]).max = arr[i];

    you should really do one assignment at a time:

      for( i = 0; i < sizeX; ++i )
          (table->array[i][i]).max = arr[i];
          (table->array[i][i]).min = (table->array[i][i]).max;