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stack-based pointer stored on object vector has long-life-term?

Give the example:

class A
    int value;

void Display( std::vector<A> myvector )
    for( std::vector<A>::iterator it = myvector.begin(); it!= myvector.end(); ++it )
        std::cout << (*it).value << std::endl;

A* GetAtId( DWORD id )
    if( id != 0 )
        static A ret;
        return& ret;

    return NULL;

void Serialize( DWORD obj[3] )
    std::vector<A> vecHold;

    for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
        A* ptr = NULL;
        if( obj[i] != 0 )
            ptr = GetAtId( obj[i] );
            if( ptr ) vecHold.push_back( *ptr );

    Display( vecHold );

int main( )

    DWORD id[3] = {0,};
    id[2] = 9;
    Serialize( id );

Does it 'survives' for a call to Display? (Not that this is what I mean by 'long-life term')

Because the pointer is deallocated at the next bracket. I know a vector storing pointers such as std::vector<A*>vecHold, vecHold.push_back( ptr ) would be illegal, but what about in this case?


  • vecHold.push_back( *ptr ); 

    Creates a copy of the object pointed by ptr(ret) and then adds it in to the vector vecHold. ret is a local static object which remains valid and has the lifetime same as the lifetime of your program. So vecHold holds a valid object and there is nothing incorrect w.r.t in the program.