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Implement interface just in place in c++

I want to achieve such an outcome using c++:


public interface ITemp {
    void onCall(double value);

In main:

double d=2;
ITemp mVariable = new ITemp() {
    public void onCall(double value) {
    ... what to do... you can use 'd' variable...

In C++:

class ITemp {
    virtual void onCall(double something) =0;
    virtual ~ITemp();

In main:

double d=2;
ITemp mVariable = .... // I cannot instantiate class containing pure virtual method
// But I want to use variable d to create a method


  • You can't do exactly that since you can't create anonymous classes in C++, but you can do something similar:

    int main()
        double d = 2;
        class T : public ITemp
            double& m_v;
            T(double& v) : m_v(v) {}
            void onCall(double value)
                // Do something with m_v;
                m_v *= value;
        } t(d);
        std::cout << "d: " << d << std::endl;  // d is 8.

    The reference ('&') makes m_v the same variable as d, but under a different name.