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C++ Polymorphism on Virtual Functions

I'm trying to figure out how inheritance and polymorphism is handled in C++, it seems its a little different than what I'm used to in Java. I'm trying to return a base class in one of the functions, but when the return is received, I would like the object to be the derived class. However it is not working out as expected for me.

#include "Prefixer.h"
using namespace std;

Prefixer::Prefixer( Lexer l ){
    lexer = l;

Expr Prefixer::expr() {
    Expr left = term();
    Expr right = termTail();
    cout <<;
    cout <<;
    return left;

Expr Prefixer::term() {
    NullExpr temp;
    return temp;

Expr Prefixer::termTail() {
    NullExpr temp;
    return temp;

But the returned and both calls the Expr's (the base class) virtual name() function :C. How can I make it so that they call the overloaded name() functions from the derived class NullExpr?

string Expr::name() {
    return "expr";

string NullExpr::name() {
    return "null";


  • Your problem starts in this code:

    Expr Prefixer::term()
        NullExpr temp;
        return temp;

    temp is a local variable, destroyed at the end of the function. The return value makes an Expr instance (because that's the return type) by copying the return expression, temp. The caller never sees a NullExpr object.

    What Java does is essentially:

    Expr* Prefixer::term()
        NullExpr* temp = new NullExpr;
        return temp;

    but you mustn't blindly do that in C++, or you'll end up with memory leaks (Java has a garbage collector, C++ doesn't). You can free the memory using delete:

    Expr* left = term();
    delete name;

    A more recommended approach is to use smart pointers that automatically destroy the object when the last pointer to it disappears:

    shared_ptr<Expr> Prefixer::term()
        NullExpr* temp = new NullExpr;
        return temp;