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ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'auto_ptr' with no type

I'm trying to write a small application and have come across a compile time error using auto_ptr.

I originally tired creating a smart pointer with class I created but the same error occurs if I try and create a smart pointer of type int so there must be something else I'm doing wrong. I was following the example given here..

I've got a feeling the answer to this will result in me slapping myself.

I declare the smart pointer at the bottom of this file.


#include <memory.h>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include "dose_calac.h"

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

private slots:
     Some QT stuff here, removed for clarity / size...

    Ui::MainWindow *ui;

      Object for storage of data and calculation of DOSE index score.

    std::auto_ptr<int> pdoseIn(new int); // A simple set case, but sill produces an error!?!

    std::auto_ptr<DOSE_Calac> pdoseIn(new DOSE_Calac); // Original code, error found here at first.

#endif // MAINWINDOW_H

and this is my class, dose_calac.h.

#ifndef DOSE_CALAC_H
#define DOSE_CALAC_H

class DOSE_Calac
// constructor
// set and get functions live here, removed for clarity / size.

// function for caulating DOSE indexpoints
    int CalcDOSEPoints();
    unsigned int dyspnoeaScale;
    unsigned int fev1;
    bool smoker;
    unsigned int anualExacerbations;
    unsigned int doseIndexPoints;


#endif // DOSE_CALAC_H

Any help or suggestion gratefully received.


  • Your error is caused by including an incorrect header. Instead of

    #include <memory.h>

    you should write

    #include <memory>

    Also, there is more severe mistake in your class definition, because you cannot initialize class member in this way:

    std::auto_ptr<int> pdoseIn(new int);

    You have to, separately, declare it and initialize in the constructor:

    std::auto_ptr<int> pdoseIn;
        : pdoseIn(new int)