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how to pass parameter as a pointer to an array in c

To start, none of the existing solutions I have looked through have the parameter as an array, such as:

void inputCars(Car * cars[], int size);

Here is the code I currently have.

dynamic array of pointers to a
car structure
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
 char make[60];
 double price;
 int year;

int size;

void inputCars(Car* cars[], int size);

int main(int argc , char** args)
    printf("Enter how many Cars you wish to take inventory of: ");
    scanf("%d", &size); 
    Car cars[size];
    inputCars(&(cars), size);


void inputCars(Car * cars[], int size)
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
           // TODO

When I try to put the cars array through I get the following error :

 expected 'struct Car**' but argument is of type 'struct Car(*)[(sizetype)(size)]'

I understand what Car * cars[] is asking, thanks for the help with that, but I am confused on how I can pass this through.

I am not allowed to change the way the parameters are in the function and am utterly confused as to how to pass the array through.


  • In this statement

    Car cars[size];

    there is declared a variable length array.

    In this call

    inputCars(&(cars), size);

    the expression &cars has the type Car( * )[size]. But the corresponding function parameter

    void inputCars(Car* cars[], int size);

    is declared like Car * cars[] that is adjusted by the compiler to the type Car ** and there is no implicit conversion from one pointer type to another. So the compiler issues an error message.

    In the comment to your program there is written

    WE WANT:
    dynamic array of pointers to a
    car structure

    So instead of declaring a variable length array you need to allocate dynamically an array of pointers to objects of the type Car. Something like

    Car **cars = malloc( size * sizeof( Car * ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
        cars[i] = malloc( sizeof( Car ) );

    In this case the function can be called like

    inputCars( cars, size );