Is there a simple way to increase the spacing between the menu item text and its shortcut key in a WinForms MenuStrip? As seen below, even the default template generated by VS looks bad, with the text "Print Preview" extending beyond the shortcut keys of other items:
I'm looking for a way to have some spacing between the longest menu item and the start of the shortcut key margin.
An easy way to do it is to space out the shorter menu items. For example, pad the Text property of your "New" menu item to be "New " so that it has all the extra spaces at the end and that will push over the shortcut.
I suggested automating this in code to help you out. Here's the result of letting the code do the work for you:
I wrote the following code that you can call that will go through all the main menu items under your menu strip and resize all the menu items:
// put in your ctor or OnLoad
// Note: the actual name of your MenuStrip may be different than mine
// go through each of the main menu items
foreach (var item in menuStrip1.Items)
if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
And these are the methods that do the work:
private void ResizeMenuItems(ToolStripItemCollection items)
// find the menu item that has the longest width
int max = 0;
foreach (var item in items)
// only look at menu items and ignore seperators, etc.
if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
// get the size of the menu item text
Size sz = TextRenderer.MeasureText(menuItem.Text, menuItem.Font);
// keep the longest string
max = sz.Width > max ? sz.Width : max;
// go through the menu items and make them about the same length
foreach (var item in items)
if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
menuItem.Text = PadStringToLength(menuItem.Text, menuItem.Font, max);
private string PadStringToLength(string source, Font font, int width)
// keep padding the right with spaces until we reach the proper length
string newText = source;
while (TextRenderer.MeasureText(newText, font).Width < width)
newText = newText.PadRight(newText.Length + 1);
return newText;