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Checkbox databinding default value null

I am databinding a checkbox to a bindingsource, if i dont click the checkbox it will return a null value to my database.

This is the databinding code:

 checkGehuwd.DataBindings.Add("Checked", PersonenBindingSource, "gehuwd", true,

how do i return a default value of false?

Greetings Andy


  • You can use data-binding to CheckState property this way:

    checkBox1.DataBindings.Add("CheckState", bs, "DataFieldName", true,
        DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, CheckState.Indeterminate);

    This way, when the value of filed in the data source is null, CheckState.Indeterminate will be shown in UI.


    • If you want the default value of column be 0 or unchecked, then set the DefaultValue of DataColumn to 0.

    • If you want to let the user also set value of the field to null, it's enough to set ThreeState property of CheckBox to true.


    dt = new DataTable();
    var c1 = dt.Columns.Add("C1", typeof(int));
    c1.AllowDBNull = true;
    //Uncomment the next statement if you want default value be 0 = unchecked
    //c1.DefaultValue = 0;
    //Uncomment the next statement if you want to allow the user to set value to null
    //checkBox1.ThreeState = true;
    var bs = new BindingSource();
    bs.DataSource = dt;
    checkBox1.DataBindings.Add("CheckState", bs, "C1", true,
        DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged, CheckState.Indeterminate);
    this.bindingNavigator1.BindingSource = bs;