I have a class like this:
public static class Settings
private static SettingsWindow _settingsWindow = null;
public static void Init(SettingsWindow settingsWindow)
_settingsWindow = settingsWindow;
Then later is the following (inside a method):
_settingsWindow.ExePathTextBox.Text = CurrentSettings.ExePath;
_settingsWindow.rbSimpleSave.Checked = !CurrentSettings.optSaveUseBrowser;
_settingsWindow.rbBrowserSave.Checked = CurrentSettings.optSaveUseBrowser;
_settingsWindow.rbPresetAll.Checked = CurrentSettings.PreventPresetCol == PC.Allow;
_settingsWindow.rbPresetFolder.Checked = CurrentSettings.PreventPresetCol == PC.Folder;
_settingsWindow.rbPresetGlobal.Checked = CurrentSettings.PreventPresetCol == PC.Global;
_settingsWindow.rbFolderAll.Checked = CurrentSettings.PreventFolderCol == PC.Allow;
_settingsWindow.rbFolderParent.Checked = CurrentSettings.PreventFolderCol == PC.Folder;
_settingsWindow.rbFolderGlobal.Checked = CurrentSettings.PreventFolderCol == PC.Global;
Is there some way to shortcut these statements to avoid repeating _settingsWindow
on each line?
I hope there exists some obvious answer which I'm somehow not finding.
IMO, settings the values of form elements is the responsibility of the form itself, not some outside class.
Therefor, you'd be much better off creating a method in the SettingsWindow
class that takes in an instance of (what I'm guessing is) Settings
and use that to populate the form:
// in SettingsWindow
public void Initialize(Settings currentSettings)
ExePathTextBox.Text = currentSettings.ExePath;
rbSimpleSave.Checked = !CurrentSettings.optSaveUseBrowser;
// do the same for the rest of the form elements
and then, you can simply call this method from your Settings
// in Settings class
public static void InitializeForm() => _settingsWindow.Initialize(CurrentSettings);