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Domino 6.5 - close document in frameset - closes app

I'm working on a Domino Client application that opens documents up in a frameset.

When I click the save button it does some lotus script validation, adds to history field and etc then finally does a save:

Sub Click(Source As Button) Dim validate1 As Validation Dim ws As New NotesUIworkspace Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument Dim approverNames As String Dim workflow1 As Workflow
Dim name1 As String Dim names1 As String Dim item1 As NotesItem Dim history1 As History

Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Call uidoc.refresh  

Set validate1 = New Validation()

Call validate1.checkCustomer(uidoc.FieldGetText("Customer"))
Call validate1.checkEndUser(uidoc.FieldGetText("EndUser"))
Call validate1.checkShortProjectDescription(uidoc.FieldGetText("ShortProjectDescription"))
Call validate1.checkProjectName(uidoc.FieldGetText("ProjectName"))
Call validate1.checkProjectLocation(uidoc.FieldGetText("ProjectLocation"))
Call validate1.checkOperationCenter(uidoc.FieldGetText("BusinessUnit"))
Call validate1.checkSalesCenter(uidoc.FieldGetText("SalesCenter"))
Call validate1.checkMarketSegment(uidoc.FieldGetText("MarketSegment"))  
Call validate1.checkSAPDate(uidoc.FieldGetText("SAPDate"))
Call validate1.checkRevision(uidoc.FieldGetText("Revision"))
Call validate1.checkValidityDate(uidoc.FieldGetText("ValidityDate"))
Call validate1.checkDateApproval(uidoc.FieldGetText("DateApproval"))
Call validate1.checkCurrencyUSD(uidoc.FieldGetText("CurrencyUSD"))
Call validate1.checkMargin(uidoc.FieldGetText("Margin"))

If validate1.displayErrorMessages() = 0 Then
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("WhoHasApproved","")
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("ApproversNotified","")     

    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("SubmitDate",Cstr(Now))
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Status","In Process")

    'Add calls to workflow here....
    Set workflow1 = New workflow("SAPFCD")

    'Update History Field - Submitted for Processing by
    Set history1 = New History(uidoc.Document)
    Call history1.addTo("Submitted for Processing", uidoc.FieldGetText("CreatedBy"))    
    Set item1 = uidoc.Document.ReplaceItemValue("History" , history1.getDescription())

    'Set ApproverList
    names1 = workflow1.setApproverList(uidoc)
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("ApproverList",names1)


    name1 = workflow1.setNextApprover(uidoc)        
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("NextApprover", name1)

    'Add calls to workflow here....
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Status","1st Peer")

End If

End Sub

and then proceeds to close the entire database and returns user to workspace.

What I want is to have the document saved and then return the user to a specified page in the frame set.

I attempted to add code like this to the QuerySave event, but does not work:

Sub Queryclose(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant) Dim ws As New NotesUIworkspace
ws.OpenFrameSet("MainFrame") ws.SetTargetFrame("Main")
ws.OpenPage("Saved") End Sub

Any ideas on how I can save/close a UI document that is in a frame set without it closing the entire database.



  • Any specific reason why you have the document open within a frame of a frameset?
    Usually you have a frameset for the outline and view and documents open on their own tab/window, this way when the code you have runs it only closes the doc.

    **Update Did some more testing and you can insert this after the and remove uidoc.close

    Call ws.SetTargetFrame("your frame name here") 
    Call ws.ComposeDocument("","","your form name here",,,False)

    I forgot to mention you should set the target frame back to "" when exiting the app, if you don't users might get error when other apps try to open up a frameset.