Search code examples

Whats the simplest way to find for a group of user all the group membership?

I do have one domino group (Access Control List only), lets call them Main_Group. This group includes all employees, that I want to know on which other domino groups they are member of.

Members of Main_Group:


Of course this list is much longer then these 3 entries.

I would look for each member in this group, in which other domino group this user is member and put this information into a CSV. The CSV should have a format like this:

John Smith;Domino_Group1,Domino_Group2,Domino_Group3
Peter Smith;Domino_Group2
Jeff Smith;Domino_Group1,Domino_Group3

Whats the best way to achieve to this information? Lotus Script, any View with formula? Or is there already a notes database is doing this?


  • This code builds a list of dynamic arrays to act as key/value pairs (where each value is an array). It's built from the Group view in names.nsf. Rather than taking each group name and loading up the members, it builds it the other way round so for each member, it has an array of groups. Groups can be in other groups so it runs through each group recursively. In order to prevent loops (e.g. where group A is in group B and vice-versa) it uses the visited array which terminates that part of the search if the group has already been visited. The visited array ends up, upon completion of the recursion, the list of groups the user is in.

    Building the key/value List initially would be quicker than multiple full text searches, especially if, rather than looking up one name, you're looping all user names in names.nsf as once the key/value list is built there's no need to query the database again. I've not built the loop for each user but it could be added quite easily to the getGroupsForUser function.

    Code below getGroupsForUser function. Returns a formatted string of each group that a user is in. The user name is the first item.

    Function getGroupsForUser(userName As String) As String
        If userName="" Then Exit function
        Dim ns As New NotesSession, namesDatabase As NotesDatabase
        Dim visited As Variant, groupKeyValueStore List As Variant
        Dim returnString As String, separator As String, i As Integer
        Set namesDatabase = ns.getDatabase(ns.Currentdatabase.Server, "names.nsf", False)
        visited = Null
        Call getGroupKeyValues(groupKeyValueStore, namesDatabase)
        Call searchGroupsRecursive(userName, visited, groupKeyValueStore)
        returnString = ""
        ForAll item In visited
            If i=0 Then separator = ""
            If i=1 Then separator = ";"
            If i>1 Then separator = "," 
            returnString = returnString + separator + item
            i = i + 1
        End forall
        getGroupsForUser = returnString
    End Function

    getGroupKeyValues loops through the Groups view in names.nsf and creates the key/value List.

    Public Function getGroupKeyValues(groupKeyValueStore List As Variant , namesDatabase As NotesDatabase)
        Dim groupView As NotesView, doc As NotesDocument, members As Variant, groupName As String
        Dim separator As String, values As Variant, i As Integer, tempString(0) As String
        Set groupView = namesDatabase.getView("Groups")
        Set doc=groupView.Getfirstdocument()
        Do Until doc Is Nothing
            groupName = doc.ListName(0)
            members = doc.getItemValue("Members")
            ForAll member In members
                If IsElement(groupKeyValueStore(member)) Then
                    If IsNull(ArrayGetIndex(groupKeyValueStore(member), groupName)) Then
                        values = groupKeyValueStore(member)
                        i = ubound(values) + 1
                        ReDim Preserve values(i)
                        values(i) = groupName
                        groupKeyValueStore(member) = values
                    End If
                    tempString(0) = groupName
                    groupKeyValueStore(member) = tempString
                End If
            End ForAll
            Set doc=groupView.getNextDocument(doc)
    End Function

    searchGroupsRecursive recursively searches each group, ensuring no group is visited twice.

    Public Function searchGroupsRecursive(userName As String, visited As Variant, groupKeyValueStore List As Variant) As Variant
        Dim length As Integer, userNotesName As NotesName, fullUserName As String
        Dim tempArray(0) As String
        Set userNotesName = New NotesName(userName)
        fullUserName = userNotesName.Canonical
        If IsNull(visited) Then
            tempArray(0) = userName
            visited = tempArray
            length = UBound(visited)
            ReDim Preserve visited(length + 1)
            visited(length + 1) = userName  
        End If
        If Not isElement(groupKeyValueStore(fullUserName)) Then Exit function
        ForAll item In groupKeyValueStore(fullUserName)
            Call searchGroupsRecursive(CStr(item), visited, groupKeyValueStore)
        End ForAll
    End Function