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Web Access Properties of a Notes View don't appear in Source Control

I have an NSF that is worked on by a number of developers in Domino Designer. It is set up for source control using SourceTree/GIT. In Domino Designer, preferences, source control, the option "Use Binary DXL" is deselected, as are the automatic sync options.

It has a basic view that is enabled for Domino Data Server Operations. I have checked the box on the Advanced Properties of the view and it works when I query it.

View Properties, Advanced Tab Dialogue Window

When changes are made to the view, and these are committed to source control the value for "Allow Domino Data Services" is never exported, which means that when we deploy to production, some important parts of the design don't get deployed.

I have had a check of some of the other options in that tab and some of them don't seem to produce any changes in the On Disk Project in Source Control e.g. "Allow Web Crawler Indexing".

This behaviour is the same whether we use R10 or R11. We don't have an R9 installation to test.

Does anyone know if there is a setting to change to include these flags?


  • Did a quick test but I get the same results unfortunately.

    In non-binary DXL there apparently is no equivalent for that setting and the others you tested. I can see that that's bad when you're working in a team.

    Only alternative I can think of is to stop using DDS and switch to the closest alternative: an XPage with the ExtLib REST control on it. From the top of my head the output of that is pretty much the same if you enable the default columns.