Why does this typecheck:
runST $ return $ True
While the following does not:
runST . return $ True
GHCI complains:
Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s c0'
with actual type `m0 a0'
Expected type: a0 -> forall s. ST s c0
Actual type: a0 -> m0 a0
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `return'
In the expression: runST . return
The short answer is that type inference doesn't always work with higher-rank types. In this case, it is unable to infer the type of (.)
, but it type checks if we add an explicit type annotation:
> :m + Control.Monad.ST
> :set -XRankNTypes
> :t (((.) :: ((forall s0. ST s0 a) -> a) -> (a -> forall s1. ST s1 a) -> a -> a) runST return) $ True
(((.) :: ((forall s0. ST s0 a) -> a) -> (a -> forall s1. ST s1 a) -> a -> a) runST return) $ True :: Bool
The same problem also happens with your first example, if we replace ($)
with our own version:
> let app f x = f x
> :t runST `app` (return `app` True)
Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s t0'
with actual type `m0 t10'
Expected type: t10 -> forall s. ST s t0
Actual type: t10 -> m0 t10
In the first argument of `app', namely `return'
In the second argument of `app', namely `(return `app` True)'
Again, this can be solved by adding type annotations:
> :t (app :: ((forall s0. ST s0 a) -> a) -> (forall s1. ST s1 a) -> a) runST (return `app` True)
(app :: ((forall s0. ST s0 a) -> a) -> (forall s1. ST s1 a) -> a) runST (return `app` True) :: Bool
What is happening here is that there is a special typing rule in GHC 7 which only applies to the standard ($)
operator. Simon Peyton-Jones explains this behavior in a reply on the GHC users mailing list:
This is a motivating example for type inference that can deal with impredicative types. Consider the type of
:($) :: forall p q. (p -> q) -> p -> q
In the example we need to instantiate
with(forall s. ST s a)
, and that's what impredicative polymorphism means: instantiating a type variable with a polymorphic type.Sadly, I know of no system of reasonable complexity that can typecheck [this] unaided. There are plenty of complicated systems, and I have been a co-author on papers on at least two, but they are all Too Jolly Complicated to live in GHC. We did have an implementation of boxy types, but I took it out when implementing the new typechecker. Nobody understood it.
However, people so often write
runST $ do ...
that in GHC 7 I implemented a special typing rule, just for infix uses of
. Just think of(f $ x)
as a new syntactic form, with the obvious typing rule, and away you go.
Your second example fails because there is no such rule for (.)