There is a bit of overlap between Bifunctor
and Arrow
class Bifunctor p where
first :: (a -> a') -> p a b -> p a' b
second :: (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a b'
bimap :: (a -> a') -> (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a' b'
class Arrow (~~>) where
first :: (a ~~> a') -> (a, b) ~~> (a', b)
second :: (b ~~> b') -> (a, b) ~~> (a, b')
(***) :: (a ~~> a') -> (b ~~> b') -> (a, b) ~~> (a', b')
The Bifunctor
class comes with laws completely analogous to those of Functor
The Arrow
class comes with a number of laws different laws and a somewhat cryptic warning about (***)
: "Note that this is in general not a functor." Surprisingly (to me) there's only one law about (***)
first f >>> arr (id *** g) = arr (id *** g) >>> first f
The Arrow (->)
instance and the Bifunctor (,)
instance match up exactly, so that bimap @(,) = (***) @(->)
. Is there some special significance to this? Is there a meaningful hypothetical
class Foo (~~>) p where
biFoo :: (a ~~> a') -> (b ~~> b') -> p a b ~~> p a' b'
If so, does that admit functional dependencies?
is a (somewhat bastardized) precursor to a class of cartesian closed categories, or a least cartesian monoidal categories. Specifically, to monoidal categories whose tensor product is (,)
and unit element ()
Recall that a monoidal category is characterised by the tensor product as a bifunctor, so there's your connection between Arrow
and Bifunctor
has in fact more laws than you listed, only, the library chooses to formulate those in terms of first
instead. Here's an equivalent definition of the class:
class (Category k, Category k') => EnhancedCategory k k' where
arr :: k a b -> k' a b
-- arr id ≡ id
-- arr (f . g) = arr f . arr g
class (EnhancedCategory (->) a) => Arrow a where
(***) :: a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b,b') (c,c')
-- (f***id) . (g***id) ≡ (f.g)***id
-- (id***f) . (id***g) ≡ id***(f.g)
-- arr fst . (f***id) ≡ f . arr fst
-- arr snd . (id***g) ≡ g . arr snd
-- ¿ arr swap . (f***g) ≡ (g***f) . arr swap ?
-- ((f***g)***h) . assoc ≡ assoc . (f***(g***h))
diag :: a b (b,b)
first :: Arrow a => a b c -> a (b,d) (c,d)
first f = f***id
second :: Arrow a => a b c -> a (d,b) (d,c)
second g = id***g
(&&&) :: Arrow a => a b c -> a b d -> a b (c,d)
f&&&g = (f***g) . diag
Incidentally, it is also possible to remove the arr
for lifting pure functions, and instead give the superclass only the dedicated methods fst
, snd
and assoc
. I call that class Cartesian
. This allows defining “arrow” categories that don't contain arbitrary Haskell functions; linear maps are an important example.