The Freeplane app seems to have died its decades-long death. I'm extracting my data from it. Freeplane stores data as XML. One of the first steps I'm taking is to homogenize that format.
My goal is to turn every XText
item in an .xml
-formatted file into an XTag
called "node" with an attribute called "TEXT". I've got it done, but in a manner that seems inelegant.
I wanted to do this:
t <- getText
eelem "node" >>> addAttr "TEXT" t
But when I tried, I was informed that there is no monad instance for the IOSLA arrow, hence do
-notation is not available.
Is something like that possible?
I dug into the raw, deeply recursive XmlTree data type, and ended up with:
module Ask where
import Control.Category hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Arrow
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
textToNode :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
textToNode = arr f where
f :: XmlTree -> XmlTree
f (NTree (XText s) children) =
-- `children` is always an empty subtree for Text items
let attrs = [ NTree
(XAttr $ mkName "TEXT")
[NTree (XText s) []] ]
in NTree (XTag (mkName "node") attrs) children
f x = x
go :: IO [XmlTree]
go =
runX $
readDocument [withValidate no] "flat.xml"
>>> deepest (ifA isText textToNode none)
>>> putXmlTree "-"
To see it in action, make a file called "flat.xml" containing:
When you run go
, you'll get back the "1" and the "2", but inserted into XTag
s like this:
---XTag "node"
| "TEXT"="1"
(You'll also get back some whitespace; it's not important.)
doesn't have do
notation, but it does have something similar, called proc
notation or Arrow syntax. See, in particular, this question on the relation between these two notations. With this, you can write in a similar style to what you wanted to do:
textToNode :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
textToNode = proc x -> do
text <- getText -< x
node <- eelem "node" -<< text
tree <- addAttr "TEXT" text -<< node
returnA -< tree
Here, <-
is analogous to its monadic counterpart, and -<< val
acts like -< returnA val
and allows you to chain arrows. Note that you will have to enable a GHC language extension:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}