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JDBC Embedded-Database with Sybase dialect

How can I set a JDBC embedded-database to use the Sybase dialect?

Here is what I have:

<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource">
   <jdbc:script location="classpath:myscript.sql"/>


  • Out of the box, Spring supports H2, Derby, and HSQL embedded databases. If you want to use a different one, you will either have to find someone who has already created support for the one you are looking for, or else you will have to build it on your own.

    If you take a look at 13.8.4 of the Spring documentation, they provide the extension points which you could implement to do it yourself (via EmbeddedDatabaseConfigurer or DataSourceFactory). I would also recommend browsing their Jira page to see if anyone is working on implementing support for the embedded database you are after.