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SQL Multiple Columns in IN clause to convert to JPA

I want to convert/translate the below query with multiple columns in IN clause to JPA.


SELECT city FROM user WHERE (firstName, lastName) IN (('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'));


  • I don't know what JPA is (I can Google it; what I mean is that I am not familiar with it); but: if there is any hope to handle a SQL query, and the only issue is translating a condition on tuples, then rewrite the query like so:

    select city 
    from   user
    where  firstname = 'a' and lastname = 'b'
       or  firstname = 'c' and lastname = 'd'

    This is what the query engine will do with your original query regardless; you can look at an EXPLAIN PLAN to convince yourself of this.

    Some people like to put parentheses around each pair of AND-connected conditions; I don't, any more than I would use parentheses for 2 * 3 + 4 * 6, but if you feel they add clarity, by all means you can add them.