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How to get subquery values when using Hibernate Criteria API

Here below is a subquery to retrieve a list of ids:

protected Long getIdList(
        @NonNull final CriteriaBuilder rootBuilder,
        @NonNull final CriteriaQuery<?> rootQuery,
        @NonNull final Pageable pageable) {
    final HibernateCriteriaBuilder listBuilder = (HibernateCriteriaBuilder) rootBuilder;
    final JpaCriteriaQuery<Long> listQuery = listBuilder.createQuery(Long.class);
    final SqmSubQuery<Tuple> subQuery = (SqmSubQuery<Tuple>) listQuery.subquery(Tuple.class);
    final SqmQuerySpec<Tuple> rootQuerySpec = ((SqmSelectStatement) rootQuery).getQuerySpec();
    final SqmQuerySpec<Tuple> subQuerySpec = rootQuerySpec.copy(SqmCopyContext.simpleContext());
    final Root<?> subRoot = subQuery.getRoots().iterator().next();

    // listQuery.multiselect(listBuilder.count(listBuilder.literal(1))).from(subQuery);
    // instead of counting the ids, I want to get them...

    return entityManager

Unfortunately it doesn't work and I always get this error message:

org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: Could not locate TableGroup

Any hint would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • I would try constructing the subQuery this and try something like this by mentioning expected Type and expected entity to deal with :

    import javax.persistence.criteria.*;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.Tuple;
    import org.hibernate.query.criteria.internal.HibernateCriteriaBuilder;
    import org.hibernate.query.criteria.internal.compile.CriteriaQueryTypeQueryAdapter;
    public class YourRepository {
        private final EntityManager entityManager;
        public YourRepository(EntityManager entityManager) {
            this.entityManager = entityManager;
        protected List<Long> getIdList(CriteriaBuilder rootBuilder, CriteriaQuery<?> rootQuery, Pageable pageable) {
            // Create the main query
            CriteriaQuery<Long> listQuery = rootBuilder.createQuery(Long.class);
            Root<?> root = rootQuery.from(YourEntity.class);
            // Create the subquery
            Subquery<Long> subQuery = listQuery.subquery(Long.class);
            Root<YourEntity> subRoot = subQuery.from(YourEntity.class);
            // Add conditions to the subquery if needed
            // subQuery.where(rootBuilder.equal(subRoot.get("someField"), someValue));
            // Use the subquery in the main query
            // Execute the query
            return entityManager.createQuery(listQuery)
                    .setFirstResult((int) pageable.getOffset())