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How to animate incrementing number in UILabel

I have a label showing a number and I want to change it to a higher number, however I'd like to add a bit of flare to it. I'd like to have the number increment up to the higher number with an ease inout curve so it speeds up then slows down. This answer shows how to make it increment (the 2nd answer, not the accepted answer) but I'd rather animate it so I could also make it increase in size slightly then shrink again as well as the ease inout curve. how to do a running score animation in iphone sdk

Any ideas how best to achieve this? Thanks

The start/end numbers will be user inputted and I want it to increment up the the end number in the same amount of time. So if I have start 10 end 100 or start 10 end 1000 I want it to count up to the end number in say 5 seconds.


  • You could use a flag to see if it has to go up or down. Instead of a for loop, use a while loop. In this way, you are creating a loop that keeps going, so you have to find a way to stop it also, f.e. by a button press.