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Call addScriptMessageHandler after adding WKWebView to view

I have added WKWebView to view via code in my class which extends UIViewController class, I am able to call JS function from iOS storyboard buttons successfully.

However, I want JS to be able to tell Swift when an ajax post request is complete... Luckily I found this page...

var contentController = WKUserContentController()
    name: "callbackHandler"

var config = WKWebViewConfiguration()
config.userContentController = contentController

self.webView = WKWebView(
    frame: self.containerView.bounds,
    configuration: config

Here... I want to be able add script message handler after the webview is added to view.

Is it possible to call addScriptMessageHandler() after webview is already added to the view?


  • Yes, and it's really simple too:

    let contentController = self.webView.configuration.userContentController
    contentController.add(self, name: "callbackHandler2")