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No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found

I am trying to sign an app with my client's certificates. I have received the following file from the client

enter image description here

I tried installing the ios_distribution certificate and the key (.p12). Also I have installed the provisioning profile. Now when I try to sign the app with the provisioning profile, it does show up in the drop down but I get the following error:-

No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate matching team ID "7S977Lxxx" with a private key was found

enter image description here

How can I solve this issue? Any help is appreciated.


  • You need to have the private key of the signing certificate in the keychain along with the public key. Have you created the certificate using the same Mac (keychain) ?

    Solution #1:

    • Revoke the signing certificate (reset) from apple developer portal
    • Create the signing certificate again on the same mac (keychain). Then you will have the private key for the signing certificate!

    Solution #2:

    • Export the signing identities from the origin xCode
    • Import the signing on your xCode

    Apple documentation: