For some months I've been working on a "home-made" operating system. Currently, it boots and goes into 32-bit protected mode. I've loaded the interrupt table, but haven't set up the pagination (yet).
Now while writing my exception routines I've noticed that when an instruction throws an exception, the exception routine is executed, but then the CPU jumps back to the instruction which threw the exception! This does not apply to every exception (for example, a div by zero exception will jump back to the instruction AFTER the division instruction), but let's consider the following general protection exception:
MOV EAX, 0x8
My routine is simple: it calls a function that displays a red error message.
The result: MOV CS, EAX fails -> My error message is displayed -> CPU jumps back to MOV CS -> infinite loop spamming the error message.
I've talked about this issue with a teacher in operating systems and unix security. He told me he knows Linux has a way around it, but he doesn't know which one.
The naive solution would be to parse the throwing instruction from within the routine, in order to get the length of that instruction. That solution is pretty complex, and I feel a bit uncomfortable adding a call to a relatively heavy function in every affected exception routine...
Therefore, I was wondering if the is another way around the problem. Maybe there's a "magic" register that contains a bit that can change this behaviour?
Thank you very much in advance for any suggestion/information.
EDIT: It seems many people wonder why I want to skip over the problematic instruction and resume normal execution.
I have two reasons for this:
First of all, killing a process would be a possible solution, but not a clean one. That's not how it's done in Linux, for example, where (AFAIK) the kernel sends a signal (I think SIGSEGV) but does not immediately break execution. It makes sense, since the application can block or ignore the signal and resume its own execution. It's a very elegant way to tell the application it did something wrong IMO.
Another reason: what if the kernel itself performs an illegal operation? Could be due to a bug, but could also be due to a kernel extension. As I've stated in a comment: what should I do in that case? Shall I just kill the kernel and display a nice blue screen with a smiley?
That's why I would like to be able to jump over the instruction. "Guessing" the instruction size is obviously not an option, and parsing the instruction seems fairly complex (not that I mind implementing such a routine, but I need to be sure there is no better way).
Different exceptions have different causes. Some exceptions are normal, and the exception only tells the kernel what it needs to do before allowing the software to continue running. Examples of this include a page fault telling the kernel it needs to load data from swap space, an undefined instruction exception telling the kernel it needs to emulate an instruction that the CPU doesn't support, or a debug/breakpoint exception telling the kernel it needs to notify a debugger. For these it's normal for the kernel to fix things up and silently continue.
Some exceptions indicate abnormal conditions (e.g. that the software crashed). The only sane way of handling these types of exceptions is to stop running the software. You may save information (e.g. core dump) or display information (e.g. "blue screen of death") to help with debugging, but in the end the software stops (either the process is terminated, or the kernel goes into a "do nothing until user resets computer" state).
Ignoring abnormal conditions just makes it harder for people to figure out what went wrong. For example, imagine instructions to go to the toilet:
Now imagine that step 2 fails because you're wearing shorts (a "can't find pants" exception). Do you want to stop at that point (with a nice easy to understand error message or something), or ignore that step and attempt to figure out what went wrong later on, after all the useful diagnostic information has gone?