I understand that you can declare a string in a Verilog test bench as follows:
reg [8*14:1] string_value;
string_value = "Hello, World!";
I can then do things with this string, like use $display
in a test bench to display it.
I haven't been successful in doing the same in a module when I flash it to my FPGA:
reg [8*14:1] string_value;
always @(reset)
string_value = "Hello, World!";
// Do stuff with string value
Even assigning a single value does not work:
reg [8:1] char_value;
always @(reset)
char_value = "A";
if (char_value == 8'h41)
// Do stuff!
I want to shift the individual characters on an 8-bit bus to an LCD screen for display.
How can I work with strings in Verilog?
SystemVerilog should support string assignment as mentioned in spec:
For example, to store the 12-character string "Hello world\n" requires a variable 8x12, or 96 bits wide.
bit [8*12:1] stringvar = "Hello world\n";
Not sure if the old verilog supports it or not.