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construct two shared_ptr objects from the same pointer

I have a problem from "The C++ Standard Library Extensions":

Exercise 6
I said in Section 2.4.2 that you shouldn't construct two shared_ptr objects from the same pointer. The danger is that both shared_ptr objects or their progeny will eventually try to delete the resource, and that usually leads to trouble. In fact, you can do this if you're careful. It's not particularly useful, but write a program that constructs two shared_ptr objects from the same pointer and deletes the resource only once.

below is my answer:

template <typename T>
void nonsence(T*){}
struct SX {
     int data;
     SX(int i = 0) :
              data(i) {
              cout << "SX" << endl;
     ~SX() {
              cout << "~SX" << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    SX* psx=new SX;
    shared_ptr<SX> sp1(psx),sp2(psx,nonsence<SX>);
    return 0;

but I don't think it is a good solution--because i don't want solving it by use constructor. can anyone give me a better one? thx, forgive my bad english.


  • I got the "STANDARD" answer from boost doc :