I have a Crystal Report in SAP BusinessObjects XI v12.1.0 (also known as Crystal Reports Server 3.1 I think).
The report runs fine manually and does everything it should.
I schedule the report to run, but no matter what, the reports it spawns show a status of "Pending" in the instance manager, and don't appear to actually run (I can't see a successful run or a recorded run anywhere in the Instance Manager section of InfoView.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Update: Exact Steps I'm trying
- Open SAP BusinessObjects Server InfoView webapp and login as Administrator
- Click Folders and browse to the report I'd like to schedule
- View the report to ensure that it outputs correctly (it does)
- Right-click the report and select "schedule".
- The "Schedule: [report name]" dialog opens
- Under the "schedule" section, I select the following:
- Instance Title: Leave as the default (report's name)
- Recurrence: Set as daily, every 1 days, from yesterday 5am to 10 years from now at 5am.
- Schedule For: Leave as the default ("only for myself")
- Notification: Not in use
- Database Login: Defined in custom data source
- Filters: None (there are none in the report)
- Format: Plain Text (it's supposed to be)
- Destination: Set to a custom location
- Print settings: Default (follow crystal reports preference setting)
- Events: None
- Scheduling Server: First available
- Events: Leave as the default (report's name)
- See that in the history, it shows a "recurring" report, and a "pending" version of the report.
Stopping here because i found a solution.
I found the following error in the history log:
source file error. [CrystalEnterprise.DiskUnmanaged]: [Invalid
This led me to realize eventually that the username and password fields on the File Destination Screen are not for the file, but for the machine you're connecting to.
BOE / Crystal Server makes no mention of this.
Once I adjusted that, the file drop worked.