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Stored Procedure not showing fields in Crystal reports

Using: CR in VS2010, SQL Server 2008R2

I have a SP that returns results when run in SQL Server, but when I add this to a CR it doesnt show any fields in the Field Explorer. But if I try any other SP, it works fine I can see its fields. Steps I am performing:

  1. Open existing CR
  2. Right CLick Database Fields --> Database Expert --> remove the old SP --> Add the new SP
  3. A window with Enter Values pops-up, I set all to NULL and click OOK
  4. The New SP shows up in the Database expert right side
  5. I can see the new SP in the Database Fields Section in the Field Explorer.
  6. However there is no PLUS + Sign next to it. That means it doesnt show its fields.

Infact the new SP and the old have both have the same number of fields. Just some sql changed.

Pissed of with this one..Please help.



  • I got it by not accepting the default selection crystal makes in the subreport links on the left side. I had to change it to my own and no tuse the defaults.

    That worked. Thanks