I'm implementing a coherent noise function, and was surprised to find that using gradient noise (i.e. Perlin noise) is actually slightly faster than value noise. Profiling shows that the reason for this is the division needed to convert the random int value into a double of range -1.0 to 1.0:
static double noiseValueDouble(int seed, int x, int y, int z) {
return 1.0 - ((double)noiseValueInt(seed, x, y, z) / 1073741824.0);
Gradient noise requires a few multiplies more, but due to the precomputed gradient table uses the noiseValueInt
directly to compute an index into the table, and doesn't require any division. So my question is, how could I make the above division more efficient, considering that the division is by a power of 2 (2^30).
Theoretically all that would need to be done is to subtract 30 from the double's exponent, but doing that by brute force (i.e. bit manipulation) would lead to all sorts of corner cases (INF, NAN, exponent overflow, etc.). An x86 assembly solution would be ok.
Declare a variable (or constant) with the inverse value and multiply by it, effectively changing the division to a multiplication:
static const double div_2_pow_30 = 1.0 / 1073741824.0;
Another way (utilizing the property that the number is a power of 2) is to modify the exponent with bit operations. Doing that will make the code dependant on doubles being stored using the IEEE standard which may be less portable.