I am using Crystal Reports 2008 to develop some reports (on an oracle database ).
I have a number of text fields in my design/layout that I want to be positioned in a vertical stack with no space between.
Using Oracle reports I can select the fields and do an align->stackvertical, but there does not seem to be a similar option in CR2008
The "Align" option has tops,middles,bottoms,baseline,lefts,centres,rights,to grid. none of which do what i want.
Is there an easy way to do this? or do I just have to position them manually? (maybe using snap-to-grid)
If you create a report from scratch, you should be able to use the Mail Label wizard, which will stack the selected fields vertically.
Apart from this, the only option is to do so manually. I find that enabling Snap To Grid in the Options menu helps with this, as does inserting a single vertical guideline per column and then dragging and dropping fields so that they snap onto it.