I want to make my brightness and contrast shader change by dynamically changing offset parameters, but I dont want to recompile my shader everytime I am changing shader buffer.
The current shader code is
char shaderCode[] = " \
sampler2D screen: register(s0); \
float offsetBrightness = 0.0f; \
float offsetContrast = 0.9f; \
float4 PSBrightnessContrast(float2 inCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0\
return (tex2D(screen, inCoord.xy) + offsetBrightness) * (1.0 + offsetContrast);\
technique brightness \
{ \
pass p1 \
{ \
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PSBrightnessContrast(); \
} \
} \
How I can pass the offsetBrightness
and offsetContrast
In HLSL, all variables declared outside function can be changed between each draw call.
To change their value you can use the following setter from ID3DXEffect :
[in] D3DXHANDLE hParameter,
[in] FLOAT f
where hParameter can be either the name as char * or the handle queried using GetParameterHandle()
So in your example :
effet->SetFloat( "offsetBrightness", 0.5f );
If you are inside a Begin()/End()
, you need to call CommitChanges()
to apply those values