I trying to convert array value with word into numeric. Then filtering it with regex and getting original value for matched array element. I have tried in my way. There may be better way to do this.
$arrwords = array(
0 => 'zero',
1 => 'one',
2 => 'two',
3 => 'three',
4 => 'four',
5 => 'five',
6 => 'six',
7 => 'seven',
8 => 'eight',
9 => 'nine'
$arr = array('124', '8989243three', '402three1345233', '4023one34523');
$arr2 = array();
foreach($arr as $v)
$v = strtolower($v);
if (in_array($v, $arrwords))
$arr2_push() = str_replace($v, array_search($v, $arrwords), $text); //replace word with digit and push into $arr_2 .
//Now check each value int arr2 to with regex
foreach ($arr2 as $temp) {
$pattern = '/^(?:\((\+?\d+)?\)|(\+\d{0,3}))? ?\d{2,3}([-\.]?\d{2,3} ?){3,4}/';
preg_match_all($pattern, $temp, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
//If $temp matches with filter then push into $arr3
Now getting values from $arr1 which belongs to value in $arr3.
Example: [3] => 4023one34523
from $arr1 will be in $arr3 as 4023134523
. So value three should be considered. likewise all value.
So bottom line
Here is mine :)
$words = array('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine');
// Hash is faster than in_array, especially on large sets.
$words = array_flip($words);
$test = array(
$b = array();
$pattern = '/^(?:\((\+?\d+)?\)|(\+\d{0,3}))? ?\d{2,3}([-\.]?\d{2,3} ?){3,4}/';
foreach ($test as $value) {
$value = strtolower($value);
// Capture also the numbers so we just concat later, no more string substitution.
$matches = preg_split('/(\d+)/', $value, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if ($matches) {
$newValue = array();
foreach ($matches as $word) {
// Replace if a valid word number.
$newValue[] = (isset($words[$word]) ? $words[$word] : $word);
$newValue = implode($newValue);
if (preg_match($pattern, $newValue)) {
$b[] = $value;
echo implode("\n", $b);