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Make adding custom instrumentation in Sentry less verbose

I'm playing around with instrumentation using Sentry and I'm so discouraged by how many lines of code I have to add everywhere.

According to the Sentry docs, I have to add all these lines every time I want to measure something:

        $sentryTransactionContext = (new TransactionContext('Something that needs measuring'));
        $sentryTransaction = startTransaction($sentryTransactionContext);
        $spanContext = (new SpanContext());
        $span1 = $sentryTransaction->startChild($spanContext);

        // Do something that needs to be measured...


Is all that stuff really supposed to go in all my different Controller methods, or places where I need to measure how long a piece of code takes? It would be so much duplicate code.

Ideally, I would like to just do this:

public function create(HttpRequest $request)

        // Something slow that needs to be measured


Is that possible?


  • You could write a Service class that handles and simplifies the syntax for starting and stopping Sentry transactions and spans.

    1. Create a app/Services/SentryMeasureService.php

      namespace App\Services;
      use Sentry\Tracing\TransactionContext;
      use Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext;
      use Sentry\SentrySdk;
      class SentryMeasure {
          private static $transactions = [];
          private static $spans = [];
           * Start measuring a transaction or span
           * @param string $name Unique identifier for the transaction or span
           * @param string $type Type of measurement (transaction or span)
           * @param string|null $parentName Parent transaction/span name (optional)
          public static function start(string $name, string $type = 'transaction', ?string $parentName = null)
              try {
                  if ($type === 'transaction') {
                      // Create and start a new transaction
                      $transactionContext = new \Sentry\Tracing\TransactionContext($name);
                      $transaction = \Sentry\startTransaction($transactionContext);
                      self::$transactions[$name] = $transaction;
                  } elseif ($type === 'span') {
                      if (!isset(self::$transactions[$parentName])) {
                          throw new \Exception("Parent transaction '{$parentName}' not found");
                      $parentTransaction = self::$transactions[$parentName];
                      $spanContext = new \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext();
                      $span = $parentTransaction->startChild($spanContext);
                      self::$spans[$name] = $span;
                  } else {
                      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid measurement type. Use 'transaction' or 'span'.");
              } catch (\Exception $e) {
                  error_log("Sentry measurement start error: " . $e->getMessage());
           * Stop measuring a transaction or span
           * @param string $name Unique identifier for the transaction or span to stop
           * @param string $type Type of measurement (transaction or span)
          public static function stop(string $name, string $type = 'transaction')
              try {
                  if ($type === 'transaction') {
                      if (isset(self::$transactions[$name])) {
                          $transaction = self::$transactions[$name];
                  } elseif ($type === 'span') {
                      if (isset(self::$spans[$name])) {
                          $span = self::$spans[$name];
                          if (!empty(self::$transactions)) {
                              $lastTransactionName = array_key_last(self::$transactions);
                              $lastTransaction = self::$transactions[$lastTransactionName];
                  } else {
                      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid measurement type. Use 'transaction' or 'span'.");
              } catch (\Exception $e) {
                  error_log("Sentry measurement stop error: " . $e->getMessage());
    2. Create a app/helpers.php file to implement your helper functions

      use App\Services\SentryMeasureService;
      if (!function_exists('sentry_measure_start')) {
          function sentry_measure_start(string $name, ?string $parentName = null)
              SentryMeasureService::start($name, $parentName === null ? 'transaction' : 'span', $parentName);
      if (!function_exists('sentry_measure_stop')) {
          function sentry_measure_stop(string $name)
              SentryMeasureService::stop($name, 'span');
              SentryMeasureService::stop($name, 'transaction');
    3. To make the helper functions visible you need to modify your composer.json more specifically the autoload key. Add a files array

      inside autoload.

      "autoload": {
          "files": [
          "classmap": [
          "psr-4": {
              "App\\": "app/"
    4. Once you added the file you need to dump the autloader

      composer dump-autoload

    Now you should be able to use the functions the way you suggested:

    public function create(Request $request)
        sleep(2); // example of a slow operation


    If you are using this solution in combination with laravel octane it is important that there is a sentry_measure_stop('slow.task'); for every sentry_measure_start('slow.task');. Octane keeps your application in memory between requests therefore, adding and not removing data to a statically maintained array will result in a memory leak!

    Laravel Octane Docs