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delphi action manager shortcut for +,-, enter for actions

im working on delphi 7, and i have an applicaton where im using a action manager for creating actions and then assigning them shortcuts the shortcuts in action manager are already defined in the shortcut property..but i want to have a shortcut like

 1. ADD ,that is the + on the numpad
 2. Subtract key ,that is the - on the numpad
 3. divide key  , that is the / on the numpad.
 4. enter key

i tried assigning my own shortcut as subtract and ADD but it gives me this error message enter image description here

i also tried - but nothing is happening

my code to track the action

      Action : TBasicAction;
        Action := Sender as TBasicAction;
       if (Action is TAction) and not TAction(Action).Enabled then   exit;
      case Action.tag of
        1                  :         ShowMessage('ADD + pressed');
        2                  :         ShowMessage ('divide / pressed');
        3                  :         ShowMessage ('subtract - pressed');
        4                  :         ShowMessage ('enter pressed');


i can use the normal

   **GetKeyState(VK_ADD) AND 128)=128;** OR **GetKeyState(VK_return) AND 128)=128;** 

to find it the keys are pressed in keypress or keydown event but i want to use the action manager shortcuts


  • You can assign them at runtime:

    Action1.ShortCut := menus.ShortCut(VK_ADD, []);
    Action2.ShortCut := menus.ShortCut(VK_SUBTRACT, []);