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Missing FastReport pas files. I now cannot compile my old Delphi project using frxClass, frxExportBaseDialog, frxDBSet I only have hpp files

I installed the newest Delphi 12-Athens and the components. Using GitIt I installed also FastReports. the components are correctly installed, so I can put them on a form and the corresponding units are added to the uses, but when I compile the project I get then next error (depending on what the first unit is that is in the uses):

[dcc32 Fatal Error] FrmOrderBeheer.pas(17): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'frxClass'

The frxClass.dcu and frxClass.hpp are on my computer, but nog frxClass.pas. I have only Delphi, no C++. I also downloaded the FastReports version from their website (frvcl_all_rad.exe), but also in that package the same files exists.

Can anyone help me?


  • Finally I found the problem.

    In my .dproj file the next line was responsible for the problem:

    <DCC_UnitSearchPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD24;C:_Source\Gerp\DataSetConverter4Delphi\src;$(DCC_UnitSearchPath)</DCC_UnitSearchPath>

    After I deleted: C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\LibD24; the problem was solved.