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How to get rid of windows sounds when capturing CTRL + S?

In my application, when I press CTRL + S, my form (with Key Preview enabled) captures this and saves the document. But when the focus is in, for example, an edit control, I get an annoying "Ding" sound, or in general, windows sounds. How do I avoid this sound?

Here's my form's capture of this key event...

procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  C: String;
  if not fChanging then
  if ssCtrl in Shift then begin
    C:= LowerCase(Char(Key));
    if C = 's' then begin
      Key:= 0; //Tried this but didn't work
    end else
    if C = 'c' then begin
      //Copy selected item(s)

PS - Is there a more standard way of capturing these events? Because I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, and I'm sure there's another way I should be getting these key events without sounds.


  • A couple of things:

    • Try putting your code into FormKeyPress instead of FormKeyDown. This will make the Key := 0; code work... You will need to handle the CTRL checking manually though, by using something like GetKeyState() (I originally had GetAsyncKeyState() here, but as Rob Kennedy points out, GetKeyState() is a much better option).
    • Use an Action instead. Plop a TActionList on your form, double click on it, add an action and set it's hot key to CTRL-S. Add your save code to it's OnExecute event handler. This is the "proper" way to do it I believe.

    Hope this helps.