I followed this guide to display data from mysql database: http://www.flashrealtime.com/flash-builder-4-and-php-data-services/
But what to do if i have datagrid like this:
<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >
<mx:DataGridColumn id="something" dataField="customerId" editable="false">
<mx:itemRenderer >
<mx:Label id="l1" text=??????? ></mx:Label>
<mx:Label id="l2" text=??????? ></mx:Label>
When using an itemRenderer in a DataGrid, the value of the entire "row" is stored in the "data" object
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private var dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{id : "1", name : "Bob"},
{id : "2", name : "Andrew"},
{id : "3", name : "Paul"}
<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{dp}">
<mx:Label text="{data.id}"/>
<mx:Label text="{data.name}"/>