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Why the is flexbuilder plugin for eclipse so slow to open and compile?

I've got a decent computer. ( something with dual-core in the name and a lot of ram ). Sometime FlexBuilder prompt the "builder project" loading bar only when i open a simple mxml file. It's look like he does some difficult jobs... i don't ask for anything fancy. I just want the file open, in text mode. Every time i hit ctrl+s, i fear the "building project who take forever" thing. I've disable the automatic build, but it's not convenient.

Another thing, more understandable. I'v got a Ant task who compile our code with the flexBuilderSdk. It's take forever ( like 2 min for 100 .as file and 20 .mxml file ).

For the two question : Is that normal ? Can i do something ? Because it's killing my productivity ! ( no, seriously ;-) )


  • anirudhsasikumar mark a point : Improvement of the Flex4 SDK have been backported. It's a little bit faster, but i encounter some problem with firefox then. ( Dont ask why ! ) The issue : The result SWF work on IE7, but not on Firefox ( unlimited waiting at the loading )

    But a real improvement of the building is to use FCSH, to avoid compile the same file two time. It's improve the performance drasticly.