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Flash compiler arguments - force SWC inclusion

I'm trying to write a compiler argument for FDT to force the inclusion of one of my SWCs. It looks kind of like this (App name changed, but the real one also contains mixed case and a space):

-include-libraries "C:\Workspaces\My App\libs\site.swc"

Problem is that the compiler claims it is unable to open this file. Is there a problem maybe with using a full path like this? Ideally I would prefer to use a token to represent the project folder, something like -include-libraries "${project}/libs/site.swc", but I don't seem able to find a token list in the docs.


  • I didnt understand which tool you are using to compile flex If you are using

    ANT this link is useful Working with compiler options

    for Command Line Compiler option see this About the application compiler options

    and for Flex/Flash builder you can include lib from project propertied

    Properties>>Flex Build Path>>Library Path

    EDITED for Command Line Compiler

    You can use configuration files for command-line utilities and bulider

    using these files you can define custom tokens like ${flexlib}

    and for Tokens in services-configuration files see About configuration files

    Hopes that helps