I am facing trouble while posting JSON DATA to recess framework. The JSON data posted perfect from the browser end. But when i get that from the server end it becomes null. I don't know the reason.
url : 'http://localhost:8888/index.php' ,
method: 'POST',
jsonData: { dining: {name: 'test',},},
success: function ( result, request ) {
I can get the JSON data when i am using CORE PHP. But the issue was when im with RECESS FRAMEWORK.
Finally I found the answer after deep googling. Thanks to Hirnhamster the user, http://forums.recessframework.org/.
The solution is - in contrast to finding the real problem - rather easy:
1. Step:
Open the file DefaultPolicy.class.php in recess/recess/framework. Go to method preprocess(..). Add the line $this->reparameterizeForFormat($request); as last command before returning. The function should now look like this:
public function preprocess(Request &$request) {
return $request;
2. Step
In the same file, go to method forceFormatFromResourceString(...). Change the line $format = substr($lastPart, $lastDotPosition + 1); to $format = strtolower(substr($lastPart, $lastDotPosition + 1)); Add the line $request->format = $format; below if($format !== '') { The function should now look like this:
protected function forceFormatFromResourceString(Request &$request) {
$lastPartIndex = count($request->resourceParts) - 1;
if($lastPartIndex < 0) return $request;
$lastPart = $request->resourceParts[$lastPartIndex];
$lastDotPosition = strrpos($lastPart, Library::dotSeparator);
if($lastDotPosition !== false) {
$format = strtolower(substr($lastPart, $lastDotPosition + 1));
if($format !== '') {
$request->format = $format;
$mime = MimeTypes::preferredMimeTypeFor($format);
if($mime !== false) {
$request->setResource(substr($request->resource, 0, strrpos($request->resource, Library::dotSeparator)));
return $request;
3. Step
In the same file, go to method reparameterizeForFormat(...). (Be astonished that this function already exists :P). Change Format::JSON to "json" and Format::XML to "xml" The function should now look like this:
protected function reparameterizeForFormat(Request &$request) {
if($request->format == "json") {
$method = strtolower($request->method);
$request->$method = json_decode($request->input, true);
} else if ($request->format == "xml") {
// TODO: XML reparameterization in request transformer
return $request;
4. Step
You are done.
For Detailed Solution: