Can I use DirectX 11 from C# app?
Need to use DirectSound from WPF application. .NET 4 W7 x64
From Chuck Walbourn's Blog Titled: Games for Windows and the DirectX SDK. He seems to be recommending the SlimDx Library, according to their documentation it does support DirectSound
From the above blog:
The modern version of the DirectX SDK is designed for C/C++ native developers. If you are looking for .NET solutions for using DirectX technology, there are many options available although the choice of solution depends on your specific needs:
•For a developer using the Windows Presentation Foundation but wants to use the new DirectX 11 APIs, the Windows API Code Pack provides managed assemblies for Direct3D 10.1, Direct3D 11, Direct2D, DirectWrite, DXGI, and the Windows Imaging Library (WIC) along with many other Windows 7 features. The latest version supports .NET 4.0, and x64 native “anycpu” applications. Note you still need to install the DirectX SDK to get the HLSL compiler (FXC.EXE) tool.
•For developers who are invested in Managed DirectX 1.1 but are looking for updates to address the limitations I note above, the open source SlimDX library is designed to mimic Managed DirectX 1.1 for just this purpose. It includes support for x64 native “anycpu” applications, includes modern DirectX support, and is compatible with the .NET 4.0 runtime.