Let's take this array as an example:
$arr = array(
'foo' => 'foo',
'bar' => array(
'baz' => 'baz',
'candy' => 'candy',
'vegetable' => array(
'carrot' => 'carrot',
'vegetable' => array(
'carrot' => 'carrot2',
'fruits' => 'fruits',
Now how to do a general search to check if a value exists whether as a key or a value in the array and his sub-arrays.
I think we may use a double control
if(multi_array_key_exists($needle, $haystack)||deep_in_array($needle, $haystack))
//Value exists
multi_array_key_exists function:
function multi_array_key_exists( $needle, $haystack ) {
foreach ( $haystack as $key => $value ) :
if ( $needle == $key )
return true;
if ( is_array( $value ) ) :
if ( multi_array_key_exists( $needle, $value ) == true )
return true;
return false;
Source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-key-exists.php#92355
deep_in_array function:
function deep_in_array($needle, $haystack) {
if(in_array($needle, $haystack)) {
return true;
foreach($haystack as $element) {
if(is_array($element) && deep_in_array($needle, $element))
return true;
return false;