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Problem with PHP Parse Cloud and Stripe when using Testing Credit Cards

Hope you can help me. I have a Parse Cloud function in Sashido (Parse Server) to manage a Stripe Subscription as following:

var stripe = require("stripe")("sk_test_CCCCccCCXXXXXXxXXX");
Parse.Cloud.define("crearCargo", function(request, response) {
    var  token = request.params.stripeToken;
    var  mail =;
//var mail =;

    //Crear Customer
    const customer = stripe.customers.create({
        email: mail,
        source: token,
    }, function(err, customer) {
        // asynchronously called
            response.error("Fallo Customer");
           //const{id} = customer;
            id =;

                    customer: id,
                    items: [
                            plan: "plan_E0jrObw8X7Le2F",

                }, function(err, subscription) {



I call that function from my site via php like this:

$results = ParseCloud::run("crearCargo", ["stripeToken" => "$stripeToken", "email" => "$email"]);

This works fine when credit card is ok, but when I use a declined credit card to deal with the errors, I cant get error message in my php code, eventhough I see the error in the Log in Sashido dashboad. This is the log:

Failed running cloud function crearCargo for user undefined with:
  Input: {"stripeToken":"tok_1DaoDfHWMeJb0DRPDaAgN7rS","email":""}
  Error: {"code":141,"message":"Your card was declined."}
Nov 26, 2018, 12:50:44 -05:00 - ERROR
Error generating response for [POST] /1//functions/crearCargo 
"Your card was declined."

  "stripeToken": "tok_1DaoDfHWMeJb0DRPDaAgN7rS",
  "email": ""

I haven't been able to deal with errors and instead I receive a HTTP 500 ERROR in my browser, Do you have any clues why?

This is how a deal with the $result and works fine if credit card is valid, I do receive the subscription code:

try {
    if (substr( $results, 0, 3 ) === "sub") {
       echo $results;
} catch (ParseException $e) {
      echo 'Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()."\n";

So when I use a 4242424242424242 credit card I do receive subscription code, but when I force an error with credit card number 4100000000000019, I cant get error message back.

This is exactly what I received when I use PHP display error with

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

I get this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Parse\ParseException: Your card was declined. in /home/u940759797/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/u940759797/domains/ Parse\ParseClient::_request('POST', 'functions/crear...', NULL, '{"stripeToken":...', false) #1 /home/u940759797/domains/ Parse\ParseCloud::run('crearCargo', Array) #2 {main} thrown in /home/u940759797/domains/ on line 357


  • I suspect the issue is your ParseCloud::run call is not within your try-catch block. Try something like this:

    try {
      $results = ParseCloud::run("crearCargo", ["stripeToken" => "$stripeToken", "email" => "$email"]);
    catch(ParseException $e) {
      echo 'Caught exception: '.$e->getMessage()."\n";
    catch(Exception $e) {
      // do something with other exceptions, for testing we'll just print it out