I have an array that has keys and values. For eg:
Array (
[name] => aalaap
[age] => 29
[location] => mumbai
I want to convert the keys from this into values, but I want the values to apear right after the keys. For eg:
Array (
[0] => name
[1] => aalaap
[2] => age
[3] => 29
[4] => location
[5] => mumbai
I can easily write an iteration function that will do this... for eg:
array_flatten($arr) {
foreach ($arr as $arrkey => $arrval) {
$arr_new[] = $arrkey;
$arr_new[] = $arrval;
return $arr_new;
...but I'm trying to find out if there's any way this can be accomplished using array_combine
, array_keys
, array_values
and/or array_merge
, preferably in one, so i don't need to use a custom function.
Is there?
Your own solution is probably the cleanest solution, so converting it to a "one-liner":
$array = array('name' => 'aalaap','age' => 29, 'location' => 'mumbai');
$answer = array();
array_walk($array, create_function('$val,$key', 'global $answer; $answer[]=$key; $answer[]=$val;'));
This avoids unnecessary and expensive array copies or sorting.
Alternatively, lose the global:
array_walk($array, create_function('$val,$key,$result', '$result[]=$key; $result[]=$val;'), &$answer);