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Avoid line break in the output of R shiny code

In my Code tags$p(HTML("...") is shown in one line in the browser output.

And my question is: How can I achieve a browser output with the two lines tags$strong("strong text") and p(" created with <strong>...</strong>") compared to tags$p(HTML("...")? Any hint how to avoid a line break?

ui <- fluidPage(        
    # HTML spelling and the output appears in one line       
            <strong>strong text</strong> created with the tag &lt;strong&gt;...&lt;/strong&gt;)

    # The following two lines of code should appear in the same line in my browser
    tags$strong("strong text"),
    p(" created with <strong>...</strong>")


server <- function(input, output, session) {

shinyApp(ui, server)


  • Not sure, but maybe you are looking for this (child tags):

    ui <- fluidPage(
      # HTML spelling and the output appears in one line
      tags$p(HTML("<strong>strong text</strong> created with the tag &lt;strong&gt;...&lt;/strong&gt;)")),
      # The following two lines of code should appear in the same line in my browser
      p(tags$strong("strong text"), " created with tags$strong('...')")
    server <- function(input, output, session) {}
    shinyApp(ui, server)